
Através do “SEI” acreditamos numa melhor articulação e comunicação entre Pais e Encarregados de Educação, Escolas e Autarquias, facilitando o acesso e informação aos munícipes/alunos/utentes.

Felícia Costa,
Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra

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Através do “SEI” acreditamos numa melhor articulação e comunicação entre Pais e Encarregados de Educação, Escolas e Autarquias, facilitando o acesso e informação aos munícipes/alunos/utentes.

Felícia Costa,
Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra

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Através do “SEI” acreditamos numa melhor articulação e comunicação entre Pais e Encarregados de Educação, Escolas e Autarquias, facilitando o acesso e informação aos munícipes/alunos/utentes.

Felícia Costa,
Vice-Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Sesimbra

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Modular and customisable.

SEI is designed to meet your needs and includes different educational areas.
The modules optimisation allows the constant incorporation of new areas and features.


Manage the common settings to all modules and users.


Create groups and subgroups of users.


Set up, depending on the user’s profile, different access and management permissions to different areas.

School breaks and calendar

Set up several school breaks and create customisable school calendars.

Assessment management

Set up the time interval in which the assessments must be entered, according to the different scenarios and concrete realities



Make the users management. Enter, edit and consult information and statistical indicators.

My data

Edit your data.

Register and edition of users

Enter new users - students, parents, technicians, staff and teachers - and edit your data.

Recover password

Simplicity in the recovery of your users’ access data.


Have access to reports about the users and set which information you want to see and how you want them to be organised.


All educational components condensed into a single module.

Students’ Academic Record

Link the students’ record to a curricular plan. Calculate payment plans. Create biographical, academic and enrolment records. Make documental archives and consult history. Create certificates and provide pre-applications online.


Create and edit courses and subcourses, according to its curricular structure.


Create, edit and catalogue the different subjects within its scope.

Curricular Plan

Create curricular plans and distinguish subjects that will be taught in a particular course and in a given school year.


Create and manage classes. Set subjects that will be taught. Assign different users to classes.

Teacher Record

Associate the teacher to the classes and subjects that it teaches. Proceed to the construction of its timetable and assign other educational functions. Review the files’ history and issue certificates.


Consult and print statistical reports. Know, for instance, the number of students in each class or the number of students in different subjects. Set the type of information you want to see.


Use the school report book to communicate quickly. Manage teaching and school timetables. Do the curricular assessment.

Student’s Report Book

Access to the students’ virtual report books and exchange information between school and family: send and read notifications, access the school calendar, timetables, assessments, summaries and attendance.

Pedagogic Timetable Management

Create and link pedagogic activities to the teachers’ timetable: class meetings, preparing classes, substitute teaching classes and more.

School Timetable Management

Create and edit the timetable of each class, associating it to a school calendar, a classroom, the teachers and subjects that will be taught at that time, on a given day. Replicate this information for the entire year or for a certain interval of time.

Input, validation and consultation of summaries

Enter the lesson summaries. Sign presences and absences. Check the remarks and occurrences. Confirm the presence of all teachers in the classes and validate the respective summaries.

Substitute teaching classes

Register and consult the substitution classes.


Enter students’ grades. Evaluation can be descriptive, with or without descriptors, quantitative and qualitative.

Classes Coordination

Consult summaries, attendance and occurrences. Access assessment maps.

Importation and exportation of data

Export students data for the enrolment in examinations, in the formats required by the various platforms of the Ministry of Education – ENES, ENEB and PFEB. Import the national examinations grades from the platforms above mentioned.


Issue statistical and informative reports about grades, assessment maps and more. Reports are customisable.


The most effective way to control payments and incomes of your institution.


Manage the input and output of money regarding registration, certificates, monthly payments and others.


Set the discounts applicable in fess or any price reductions.

Payment plans

Set the fees that will be paid and its periodicity.

Single payments

Set the payroll and respetive amounts.


Manage payments already made or to be made, by student or institution/teaching entity and get the information about students’ balance.


Access to annual payments forecast reports, students’ payment status and annual balance of payments.


Consult the debts per student, per class and per fee.

Closing cash balance


Automate processes and anticipate needs.


Create, edit and consult properties.


Manage and validate loads sheet per room, school or group of schools, maintaining the inventory updated.


Create, edit and consult subtypes of edified properties or assets.


Simplicity is the watchword.


Set formulas and create all calculation variables.

Management and setting ranks

Assign ranks by automatically calculating the formula previously selected/configured or by manual assignment. Edit and view the student's social action process.


Set various units – school material, meals, transports or others, and set the corresponding values.

Meals / Snacks

Learn which is the credit and debit of each student. Register the consumptions. Send daily, weekly or monthly charts. Allow parents/tutors to follow this process up and have access to the income tax statements and payments made. Manage the suppliers of meals.

School fruit and milk

Make a daily record of stock. Get maps and monthly indicators that reflect the distribution by rank and by school.

School Material / Books

Manage stocks and track the distribution of school books through an area of loan management. Get maps and monthly indicators.

Prostheses and orthoses

Manage reimbursements and issue official letters. Get maps and monthly indicators.


Manage reimbursements and issue official letters. Get maps and monthly indicators.


Supervise and manage the prices applied by several companies. Control the reimbursements by the distance from the student’s bus stop to the school. Access financial reports and forecasting costs, monthly or yearly.


Make the school accidents management and respective occurrences. Issue, along with the insurance network, surveys and reports. Edit and consult the list of registered accidents.


View and remove several statistical and accounting indicators about the various areas of social action.


Access a repository of digital educational resources.

Scientific areas

Pre-school: Mathematics, World, Portuguese and English

First Cycle: Portuguese, Mathematics, Environment Study and English


Interactive contents

Hundreds of interactive and dynamic activities which stimulate learning, allowing to review and consolidate knowledge.







Preparing for Intermediate Tests

2nd year

4th year

Parents / Tutors

Take an active part in the life of your children!

My data

Consult and edit your personal data.

School data

Consult the school life of your children: personal data, academic registration, summaries, attendance, assessments, payments and timetables.

Institutional documentation

Access to school books, curriculum projects, regulations, and more.

Student’s Report Book

Receive notifications directly from the school.

Multiplatform Solution

Access to a number of modules from any technological device with Internet connection.


Customise SEI platform with the colours and identity of your school and select the modules that meet your reality.

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